~ anatole france
Thank you guys so much for giving me the chance to have such an amazing companion. He has brought so much joy to my life and always keeps me on my toes! Riggins is so happy! Zoomies, playing fetch, sleeping, and destroying toys are his favorite things to do. Riggins is convinced he weighs 3 lbs and likes to sleep on top of me or as close as he can get.
~ Hailey
BUDDY (formerly Mulkey)
We adopted our boy Buddy through the Jasper Humane Society in July. We weren’t sure how our dog would respond so the amazing ladies with the Humane society brought several dogs to us. And Bo clearly picked Buddy- it was meant to be. I love that we were not pressured to go with one specific dog- they wanted to make sure whatever dog we adopted was the best fit possible. The ladies still check in on him and still love to get updates. I would highly recommend adopting through JCHS as they will work with you and your family to make sure it’s a great fit for everyone!
~ Rebekah
BIGGIE (formerly Ark)
I adopted Biggie (AKA Ark) back in November. We thought he would be a big ol couch potato (and he is) but he has the energy to give our 17 month old puppy a run for her money! He is awesome, his sweet soulful eyes tell me how happy he is to be with us. Our puppy LOVES him and can not get enough of him. He loves her too; they are the best of friends. Biggie loves belly rubs and will walk right beside you (sometimes in the way, lol) but he just loves big, and we love him back!!! Thank you, Jasper County Humane Society, for taking him to adoption events where it was love at first site for me!
~ Phyllis
I saw Buddy’s sweet face on a JCHS post shared by a friend back in July. I instantly wanted to check him out. Tracy let us do a “trial run” and he stayed with us a few nights… and as soon as he came in the door I knew he wasn’t leaving. He’s a handful some days but overall he is the goodest boy. He is gentle with our kids (10,5,2) but sure enjoys his roughhousing with the grown ups!! The two year old calls him Bubby, so that’s what he gets called most of the time. He is the laziest dog I’ve ever met, especially for a puppy. Currently passed out by the couch as I type this. He loves stealing stuffed animals and stealing the kids food. He is a BIG boy at over 60lbs and not even a year old we’ve taught him to sit, shake (both paws), lay down, stay and spin. He does not like when you point your finger at him. He takes that as a playtime queue to jump around, back, growl, and show you his pretty teeth… but in a playful way!
Thank you JCHS for all that you do and for giving us “Bubby”~ Amber
This is our sweet angel JASPER! He was found as a stray and at the time me and my dad were coming up to the shelter and walking dogs after I got out of school most days. I saw Jasper and instantly fell in love with him. We lost our previous rescue a little before adopting him, and he helped heal our hearts. He is such a goofy boy. He is obsessed with squeaky toys and LOVES playing with other dogs. He never fails to make us laugh with all his little perks. We have helped him work through his struggles of being terrified of humans and loud noises. He has made a lot of improvement over time and has came out of his shell he was living in. He is still weary of new people he meets, but has learned to trust that not all humans are bad. I don’t know what we would do without him!!
~ Cortney
MISTY (formerly Missy)
I love Misty & we are both needy girls who sleep w/ eachother & go to the park.. I am so in love w/her & her w/me are A match made in heaven
~ Jill
I saw Maddie on the Facebook page in October. We were looking for a friend for our Golden-doodle Georgia, since she had severe separation anxiety while we were gone. Since Maddie was also a doodle, we were hoping it would be the perfect fit! Boy did she exceed our expectations! The wonderful ladies at JCHS worked it out for us to do a trial run with her. As soon as we met her she melted our hearts and we knew she wasn’t going back! She was very hesitant at first to trust us, but we have broken down her walls and she is the playful, sweet, funny doodle she is meant to be! Needless to say her and Georgia are the best of friends and Georgia no longer has separation anxiety! She is such a blessing to us and we couldn’t be more thankful for JCHS!
~ Meghan Stapp -
Haggard joined our family about three weeks ago, and even though it has only been a short time, he stole our hearts in just one day. We conducted a trial period to see how he would interact with our cats, and he amazed us at every turn. After only a day, we knew we could never return him to a pen or a cage. Not to sound like a cliche dating profile, but he is an incredible dog; he loves to go on long walks and runs, enjoys playing with toys, and adores cuddling. He has shown me what unconditional love truly means.
One of the most beautiful transformations has been watching him accept the cats in our home. At first, I wasn’t sure how he would react and worried that he might want to chase them. But slowly, with patience and understanding, he began to accept them, and they accepted him in return. Now, he shares space with them so peacefully, whether it's lounging on the couch together or on the floor as they play with his tail which is always wagging without a hint of aggression. It’s amazing to see him adapt so well, and it has made our home feel even more united. He brings both my husband and me such comfort and joy every day that he stays here.
The Jasper County Humane Society has been wonderful. The foster that brought him to us has been very helpful and has been there every step of the journey. She has been very patient with my constant texts and has given me lots of advice. They have been very patient with us through this whole process.
~ Rebecca and Brandon
Full disclaimer: This is not the dog I agreed to adopt.
When we decided to adopt fancy her posture in the first picture says it all, a puppy that had never known the touch of a human. She would cower if you even looked at her. She would sit frozen in fear when we tried to pet her, but not once has she ever lashed out due to that fear she came to us with over a year ago now. It only took a short month for her to start warming up to head scratches, and not long after that she was starting to play with our other two dogs.
She can now be considered a menace to society (in the best way of course)
She beats me up every chance she can.
Her favorite past time is play fighting with my hand.
She talks back worse than our six year old.
She’s WWE champion on taking down our 80lbs Great Dane/Catahoula mix.
And don’t even get me started about the on going beef(friendly of course) she has with our cat, they constantly play fight at the most inconvenient times.
She’s a bed hog through and through.
With all that being said she still has set backs from time to time but the progress she has made is astronomical!
If you were to ask me how to describe her now, I would say she is Donnie Thornberry’s long lost sister.
She’s tiny but she’s mighty and we absolutely love her being apart of our zoo crew.~ Anna
BROOKLYN (formerly Maple)
As I was searching around to find a dog to foster through the holidays, I came across the picture of Brooklyn and her bluish grey scared eyes. I couldn’t resist. I immediately completed an application to foster. Response was quick and they asked me some questions over the phone. They genuinely care for all these dogs and want the best family fit. We weren’t sure at first but we gave it the weekend. After one day Baxter (our dog) and Brooklyn worked it out perfectly. Tracy checked in on how things were going which was very helpful. A couple weeks went by and we couldn’t help but fall in love with Brooklyn’s sweet, loving, big, entertaining personality. She’s more than we had hoped for and chose to adopt Brooklyn.
Thank you Tracy and JCHS for our perfect addition to our family.~Karen Deeter
When we first saw yall out at tractor supply, we weren’t looking to adopt a dog that day, but for some reason Lizzie caught our eye. She was very skiddish at first but once she was here she was home. We could tell yall really cared for all the dogs there at the Humane society and especially Lizzie but we just couldn’t leave without her.
~ Savanna
MARLEE (formerly Malibu)
We got her at the beginning of Nov. 2024, and she has come to the conclusion that we were just waiting for her to come into our lives! As you can see, she is one of the family and we love her with all our hearts. Tracy, I don’t know how to put into words all that ya’ll do for the animals in your care!! I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving us Malree. PS: she said to tell you THANK YOU and I love my cat brother also!!
As anyone can see, she is one of the family. She came to us at the beginning of November 2024 and never looked back. Tracy, I don’t know to put it into words how she was a missing piece that we did not even know we were missing! Thank You from the bottom of my heart for all you did and do for all the animals. Malree said to tell you she loves it here and loves her cat brother also. Thank you for saving me and finding me my forever home
~ Connie
What can I say about her? She is everything we wanted and needed! She loves kisses and cuddles and her blankets! She lays in my husbands arms every night to go to sleep….and did I mention KISSES!!!! She loves to bring me presents and squirrels are her favorite things to bring me! Best thing we have ever done!!
~ Kea
Dear Tracy and Michelle,
I'm writing to express our deepest gratitude for the wonderful experience we had adopting Jasper from the Jasper County Humane Society last September. Bringing him home was one of the best decisions we've ever made. He seamlessly integrated into our then-six-dog household, charming his way into everyone's heart, especially our daughter's. He's a truly remarkable dog; his favorite pastime seems to be lounging on the couch, intently observing the birds outside the window – a truly heartwarming sight.
Your assistance throughout the adoption process was invaluable. Both of you were incredibly kind, patient, and informative, making the entire experience smooth and stress-free.
Jasper has brought an immeasurable amount of joy into our lives. He’s more than just a pet; he's a cherished member of our family. We wholeheartedly recommend the Jasper County Humane Society to anyone looking to adopt a loving companion. We wouldn't hesitate to adopt from you again in the future.
Sincerely,~ Holly Young
Dearest Tracy and Michelle,
I wanted to share an update on Tucker, and express our deepest gratitude for your kindness and support. You may recall that we welcomed Tucker into our home last July after Tracy reached out about him. He was a senior dog, in animal control, his life up to that point having been incredibly harsh. He arrived with about 80% of his fur missing, and it was evident he’d never known the comfort of an indoor home. Despite all he'd endured, Tucker possessed the most gentle and loving spirit.
He quickly became a cherished member of our family, bringing us immeasurable joy. Unfortunately, as the months passed, Tucker's health began to decline. The difficult decision to help him cross the Rainbow Bridge came this past December, when the bad days sadly outnumbered the good. Your immediate condolences upon hearing the news meant the world to us. Knowing we have such caring and compassionate friends like you in our community makes all the difference.
Thank you again for everything. We'll always cherish the time we had with Tucker.
With heartfelt thanks,
~ Holly Young
I lost my little dog almost two years ago and it broke my heart. Captain and I were together almost thirteen years, he was my best friend and companion. I loved that little boy so much!
I finally decided it was time to have a new best friend in my life, so I started my search on Petfinder. Weeks went by searching for just the right little fur baby for me. Then there he was! His name was Cheese and I knew he was the one. I immediately contacted Jasper County Humane Society hoping he hadn’t been adopted yet.
Michele contacted me, we had a great conversation and did a virtual tour of my home. A few days later Michele called me to tell me he was mine.
I was so excited and felt so blessed to have the opportunity to adopt Cheese. I drove to the Monroe, Georgia Tractor Supply where the Humane Society was having an adoption event.
When I saw him I was in love! He is such a sweet, gentle little boy. I just knew he was meant for me.
I decided to name him Lucas which in Greek means bringer of light. Lucas has brought so much light to my life already!!
Thank you so much Michele and the Jasper County Humane Society!! God bless you all!!~ Tera
MILLY (formerly Jewels)
We got milly April last year from jasper county humane society, they will always be my first go to if and when I decide to get another sweet baby until then I will recommend them to everyone. We have had the best experience with them and they also still check in on our baby! Milly is high energy and keeps us on our toes. Adventures are her favorite especially if it involves water!She will always be our first born! She makes our little family whole.
~ Skye
HENRY (formerly Rafiki)
Not really planning to adopt that day, we saw a sign, that precious little face, and brought home Rafiki the Plott Hound. Now named Henry - he is smart and loving. He’s still a puppy so like a toddler he’s full speed followed by the best snuggles. So glad we found Henry to spoil us and love on.
~ Marsha
Back in August, I ran across some pictures of an adorable little pup on social media who was with a loving foster family but in need of a forever home. Only a month before we had to say goodbye to our sweet boy Raymond, and our 2-year old hound Willie was missing having a brother in the house. I contacted Tracy at Jasper County to apply to adopt Champ and to arrange for a meet- and-greet. Champs was very shy at first and uncertain but almost immediately attached himself to me and quickly won our hearts. He loves to run the fence, eat his vegetables, and snuggle. He purrs like a cat, sits up like a person, and gives hugs. He accepts lots of kisses from Willie and they love to nap together in the sun. I'm grateful every day that Champ is a part of our family now, and we can give him all the love and snuggles he deserves.. he truly is the sweetest, most loving boy. I'm also grateful for the hard work and love for these animals demonstrated by folks like Tracy and Jen and Lee, his foster parents who gave him so much love and then let him come to us. You guys are very special people in this world!
~ Rebecca
It was by pure accident I saw a picture of Chip because he was with a different family on a meet week and when I found out they were not going to keep him, I contacted Jasper County rescue and it was not long before Michell drove him all the way to Dallas, Ga to me. He walked in like it was his Fur ever home and it is. He is spoiled!!! Thank you for adding this beautiful soul to our lives!!
~ Denise
Hi my name is Kathy, and I wanted to share my experience with with Jasper County Humane Society. In November of 2023, our boy Tug was diagnosed with a brain tumor and he passed on April 24th 2024. We were going to wait 6 months to get another dog because we were so heartbroken, but our boy Cosmo was grieving so badly that we felt like we needed to get him another playmate asap. As soon as I called, the lady I spoke with at JCHS had put me in contact with Michelle. I had told her everything that had happened with our Tug and how Cosmo was doing ( he was so depressed and not eating) and that our Cosmo does not get along with other dogs except for Tug and my grandpups. I told her I thought he would do best with a girl. So Michelle and her husband brought us 4 dogs, 3 young puppies and one that was around 1 year. When they got here, they opened the back, and pulled one puppy out and Cosmo was gentle but a little stand offish and my husband saw Pepper and said can we let her out? So they put the puppy back in it's create and leashed Pepper up and got her out and she immediately went straight up to Cosmo and starting licking his face with no hesitation what so ever! So we asked if we could put them in our backyard and play to see how they did. It was AMAZING! They sniffed, ran, and chased each other. I asked Michelle if she wanted to see our house and she said she had to in order to leave her to make sure it was a safe environment. She told me that if it didn't work out, all I had to do was call and they would take her back. So we decided to keep her and it was the best decision!!! I loved that we had time to make sure she was going to be a good fit, and we were able to meet the deadline with our vet to get her spayed (we opted to have her spayed ourselves to save the rescue money) in the time frame they requested (Michelle was amazing and was so helpful thru the process) our sweet Pepper wakes up every single morning so happy!!! She is our baby and Cosmo's too Cosmo is so gentle, he treats her like a little princess, literally I have referred so many friends the JCHS, it was by far the best experience I had with the several rescues I reached out to (we live in Macon). So many never even returned my call (which I felt sad about). If JCHS does not have a dog that fits your environment at that moment, they will reach back out when they think they have one. And Michelle is so great pairing the dogs with you. They observe the dogs several days before they will give a recommendation. I happened to call when they knew Pepper long enough, thank goodness because we could not imagine life without our Pep-Pep
~ Kathy
Howard went to the site for Georgia Beagle Rescue several times. Every time that he went, Pumpkin's picture and story was the first one to show up. He told me about her, and I also looked her up. He felt that if God was telling us to rescue again, that Pumpkin was the one to rescue. Both of us read and reread her story, and each time, it spoke to our hearts. We were advised that she did not warm up to people easily, and that it could take weeks. But within fifteen minutes, she wanted to get up in my lap. And in about an hour, she wanted to get up in Howard's lap. Once we met her, we both fell in love with her. She has made friends with our other two dogs. And she is even learning to get along with our two cats. She has met a lot of our family, and she has warmed up to each of them instantly. Thank you so much for bringing her to our home. Attached is a picture of Pumpkin, Charlie, Gizmo, Howard, and myself. God is so good. Without Him, none of this would have happened.
~ Cheryl
I was searching for my favorite dog breeds, a chihuahua or dachshund. How blessed I was when I found Bella and her three Chiweenie puppies located at Jasper County Humane Society.
We've always owned male pets. Joey was my first choice, but thankfully, he was already being adopted. My second and best choice was Mini; we fostered her for ~2 months, and our adoption was completed on 1/13.
Our Mini is a handful, but she's definitely worth every moment. Mini has her own room and enjoys playing with her toys, taking walks or semi-runs outside, sightseeing in her stroller, and car riding in her comfy carseat. She's velcroed to me, so she's my true "road dog" and "ride or die." I enjoy dressing Mini in her clothes, booties, and jewelry. She is so spoiled, and there's so much more love to give and receive here.
Working with the JCHS team was great, and this entire process went without any complications. TY!
~ Cheryl
I had followed Jasper County Humane Society on Facebook for a while. I had lost my BFF about a year earlier and was considering getting another fur family member. I went to several of the events and was overwhelmed at all the beautiful dogs.
One morning I was checking in and found Tracy having a meltdown. The kennel was full and they had to make decisions. I immediately reached out to see where I could help.
Later that evening, Tracy and Michelle brought Mimi for a meet and greet. Her past life doesn’t seem to be a good one, but her present and future are quite brilliant.
~ Michael
MOLLY (formerly Nisa)
A few days before Hurricane Helene was scheduled to pass through Jasper County, my wife
and I noticed a Facebook post from Jasper County Humane Society pleading for foster
homes. Apparently, the shelter was overflowing and many dogs were being housed in
outdoor kennels. We thought we could provide a temporary home to a needy pup, and
contacted JCHS and offered our home to one of their dogs…provided she would get along
with our 2 Golden Retrievers, Cocoa and Tucker. Michelle at JCHS sent us a picture of Molly
who had a look of despair and uncertainty on her face.
Molly was brought to our house on a Sunday afternoon and met Cocoa (age 12) and Tucker
(age 3). Molly and Tucker quickly became friends as they chased each other around the
yard. We had never fostered a shelter dog before, but in light of the circumstances, we
agreed to provide Molly a temporary home…but only until the hurricane had passed. Molly
was a bit reserved that first day. We were strangers and she did not know what to expect.
Cocoa and Tucker soon showed her where “they took care of business” and that accidents
in the house were frowned upon by their humans. She was potty trained that first day!
That first day was exhausting for poor Molly as she got acquainted with new furry friends
and care takers. She fell asleep on my lap that first night.
Over the next 3 days, Molly became more at ease in these new surroundings. She became
accustomed to the new routine of meals, walks, playtime, naps and bedtime. Helene
stormed through Jasper County and none of us slept well during the wind and downpour
rain…especially Molly. Molly cuddled between us throughout the night.
At some point during those few days, no one is certain, but a bond was formed between
Molly, our Golden Retrievers, Fran and myself. Did Molly adopt US, or did we decide to
adopt Molly? After the storm had passed, we were contacted by JCHS to have Molly at the
animal control office first thing Saturday morning as they had an adoption event scheduled
and wanted to feature Molly. To me, it seemed like an act of betrayal to bring her back after
she obviously felt she had found her forever home. We indicated Molly was going to
remain with us…forever. As some would put it, we were “foster failures.”
Today, Molly is a thriving puppy. She has grown and has gained weight. Molly will tell you
that this is HER home, Tucker is HER buddy and we are HER humans. On a sad note, Cocoa
passed away a short time after we adopted Molly on November 8 th .
~ Jim and Fran Jurczak
Monticello, Georgia
PONCHO (formerly Capone)
I met Poncho in April of 2024 when he had wondered away from his grandparents home. His owner, Will, had traveled out of town for work. Poncho was found by an auto parts store in Albany, GA, approximately 5 miles away from his grandparents home.
Luckily, he had a token on his dog collar that showed a contact number and advising he was microchipped.
I contacted the number listed because his rabies tag was readable. Jasper Co Humane Society answered. I advised them I had the dog and was holding him safe until the owner could be notified.
Michelle and staff were on a mission to find his daddy. At that time, they knew him as Capone. Like a spy, these girls found his dad. Will made contact with me the same dad and told me he was out of town on work and would return in a week. I agreed to watch him while he was away.
Fast forward to today February 2025, Poncho is a huge part of my life. Will and I "coparent". Whenever Will is away, Poncho is with me. I am his mommy!
For Michelle, I have learned so much of Poncho sad past and I make it my duty to protect and love him.
He is the kindness, most loving dog I've ever encountered. He never meets a stranger and loves life!
I take him to work with me everyday, he sleeps either in the bed with me and my husband or near the bed on his dog bed.
He adores all of my other animals, even the cat. Life would not be the same without him. I'm thankful everyday that Jasper Co Humane Society took a chance and saved his life.
P.S. Poncho is obsessed with car rides, pup cups, and playing with other dogs!
~ Dwan
Got this beautiful boy on 1.30.25. He loves the dog park, riding in the car and playing in his fenced back yard.
Rhys is approximately 15 months old.
He was spoiled rotten by the time I got him and we have bonded so well!
~ Jason
RYDER (formerly Buddy)
I am so blessed to have little Ryder in my life. I needed another little companion and my Rusty needed another buddy. After my senior dog passed, I was so sad and Rusty would sit in my lap crying because he missed having a little friend to play with. I saw the cutest little beagle mix up for adoption and immediately said thats the one. I took Rusty to meet him in person to see how they got along. They were so sweet and friendly with each other. Ryder keeps me smiling with his curiosity. He loves being outside in the sunshine as much as possible sniffing things out, howling at the chickens and the hogs he see through the fence in my neighbors yard, then cuddling up to me while he sleeps. I can look at him and howl and both my babies sing like little hound dogs. I was tempted to call him Elvis, but he turned out to he the best little car riding buddy, so Ryder it is.He is the perfect edition to my home. My older dog literally thinks Ryder is his baby. We love him so much.
~ Samantha
We are so grateful to you for this sweet soul you brought into our life! She has been such a blessing to us.
Harper is such a friendly and happy girl. She loves to ride around the campground with Mama on the golf cart and greet everyone she sees with kisses and “singing”. When Papa comes home from work, the zoomies and singing goes to a whole new level. Her favorite time of the day is bedtime…she has her own pillow on the bed and snuggles up with us.
You made the adoption process so smooth. From the trial time to make sure she was a good fit to answering and advising all of our many questions.
Harper came to us fully vetted so all we had to worry about was loving her and making her a part of our family.
Thank you, thank you!!~ Lori
TILLY (formerly Tundra)
Hi! I’m Tilly (I used to be Tundra) I spent much of the first six months of my life in a shelter. I don’t really remember what happened to me before the shelter but I was scared and timid. Then I got a great foster mom called Michelle and I lived with her and her human and dog family for another six months. That helped me feel better about life but I was still very shy around humans. I went on a few sleepovers with humans who said they might want to adopt me but they always brought me back to my foster mom and I was so sad no one wanted to adopt me and I thought something was wrong with me. I was about to be a thing called a foster fail. I loved my foster mom and my dog friends but I really wanted a human family of my own. But I was so scared! One day when I was trembling in the crate at my “last chance” adoption event at a store, a nice man shopping for horse food walked by me and took my picture. He sent it home and his wife knew I looked too sad and that they probably needed to come and get me. They came back to the store together that afternoon and looked past all the puppies and other dogs and took me out of my crate and walked me around the store and tried to pet me and hug me and make me feel happy. I was so nervous and scared but I was trying to be good and friendly. Mike & Laura wanted to be my humans and they were sure that with time and love and attention I would come out of my shell.
I needed some time and a lot of love (and treats!) to adjust to my new home. Now I do my zoomies and exploring on five acres of pastures and I sleep on the bed every night! I get treats every time I come inside and I have so many toys to tear apart no one can count them all. Mike and Laura took me to visit my foster mom and I remembered her and was so excited to see her! I have play dates with my dog friends and even though I’m still timid around strangers I do sometimes bark at them (mostly from inside the fence of safety!) I’m still figuring out these weird things called cats. They are mysterious, unpredictable creatures. Life is pretty good for me now and getting adopted is pawsome! I’m grateful for the Jasper County Humane Society, my foster mom Michelle and her family, and Mike & Laura for loving me. Y’all please send some donations so that other shy dogs like me can get second and third chances.
~ Tilly
FINN & MOLLY (formerly Hansel & Gretel)
I had two dogs - Shylow (Maltese) and Suzie (Chow/Golden Retriever mix - for about 14 years and lost Shylow in 2023, then Suzie last August. I had decided not to get another dog since I'm up in age and it didn't seem wise. A friend who loves dogs and knows that I do, forwarded a post about you guys showing Hansel and Gretel, a bonded pair found walking down the middle of Monticello Highway in Jasper County. It turns out that my extended family is from that area, mostly in Morgan County, and I lived in Godfrey and Madison as a child. An uncle had property on Monticello Highway (his son has it now) and when my dad retired here, he and my mother moved back to Madison and lived on Monticello Highway until his death. Well, I decided Hansel and Gretel had to be a sign that I was supposed to adopt them. Maybe, the little voice spoke to me, they're related to you. I contacted you. You were the nicest, kindest person in this arena that I have ever met. Your love for the animals is palpable. I appreciate all that you do and pray that God blesses every move you make, to the Heavens and back. You so deserve it.
I changed their names and they quickly learned to respond to Finn and Molly. They are so sweet and sleep in bed with me every night. At first, they slept in their beds next to mine. Now they're at my head or under some part of me during the night. Finn's eyes looked almost angry when he came and now they are the softest you have ever seen. I will be checking soon to see if his heart problem makes it a too high risk for cataract surgery. He can't see from his left eye much at all and his right eye is getting worse. Those are the next matters we need to tackle, and they are certainly worth it. They are well, happy, and very good companions for me. They ride well in the car, not in a crate, just in a huge dog bed that fits in the SUV (crossover, so it's small). I'm happy to have them with me and love them both. Thank you for all you've done for them and me. I'm sending several pictures of them and one of them with me today after their "spa day".
Blessings always.
~ Joy Thomas